Monday, August 13, 2012

Cabin in the Wood worst movie ending ever

Cabin in the Woods has a bad movie ending. It is possibly one of the worst movie endings ever. Have you watched Cabin in the Woods yet? Do you feel the same as us? Tricked into believing Cabin in the Woods is a slasher film? If you haven't watched Cabin in the Woods yet, avoid the movie end spoiler below. We will explain why the movie ending is the worst ever.

***Movie Spoiler***

The recent Cabin in the Woods movie is biting off of Scream movies. However, Cabin in the Woods cranked up the noise to convey their movie is original. This is one of many movie marketing campaigns that deceive moviegoers with a movie trailer. 

We see the Strangers movie characters walk out of an elevator. In the control room, Marty and Dana question the control room. Moviegoers assume the Cabin in the Woods is a scary slasher film. In the movie end, the Cabin in the Woods is a disaster. 

The genres shift all over the place. One minute we think the horror movie is a slasher film, Then, the Cabin in the Woods thus shifts again to a staged reality show. Moreover, Cabin in the Woods is now a science fiction/fantasy movie. What genre does Cabin in the Woods identify with? The comedy aspect is dumb.

Cabin in the Woods movie end is stupid. In the movie end, we are introduced to Gods and a secret society. Moviegoers who love the Cabin in the Woods movie end must enjoy bad horror movies. Filmmakers insert the twist ending as a cheap thrill to deceive moviegoers. 

What movie end is worse? Cabin in the Woods? Or The Devil Inside? The 2012 movie box office is the year of bad movie endings. We will likely watch movies with terrible movie endings. 

Does Cabin in the Woods identify with a movie genre? Fears, nightmares, Gods and past horror movie characters make the Cabins in the Woods movie end an utter disaster. Don't waste your money watching Cabin in the Woods. The movie trailer deceives the moviegoing public. Watch this god awful mess at your own risk. It is no slasher and or gory horror movie. 

The Cabin in the Woods movie end serves up the worst twist ending ever. Moviegoers notice several genres shifting throughout this wannabe horror movie. The lame fears and nightmares, Gods, and the end of the world implications, and the staged horror movie production confuse the average moviegoer. We wonder why the movie studio wasted $60 million on Cabin in the Woods movie mess.


  1. I loved Cabin in the Woods...I think the movie was consistently funny, the characters were awesome, and the ending? it was the icing on the cake! Really, who has the audacity to put that kind of ending on this kind of movie?

  2. @Andie,

    Thanks for commenting. I’m glad you liked The Cabin in the Woods movie.

    I would have never watched the movie if I knew it would take a Scary Movie approach. If you watch the movie trailer again, you will see this movie is promoted as a slasher film.

    The film ending is terrible, especially with all the nightmares, fears, and past horror movie characters killing the production crew. There are too many genres clashing. The movie has no real genre identity – maybe horror spoof.

    It is like your worst nightmares as a child coming back to kill you (i.e. clown, monster, zombies, and other fears). Weaver’s dialogue in the falling action is silly. We must sacrifice five people in a ritualistic game to honor the Gods. We have Greek mythology deciding the fate of the world.

    I think many moviegoers lost track of the movie in the ending. Releasing the trapped nightmares, fears, and horror movie characters twisted the movie. Some commenters will make crude comments to say that people are dumb for not knowing the obvious ritual clues.

    However, they fail to understand that twists can be slightly revealed throughout the movie. We may see the Egyptian stone with blood pouring in them, but not know entirely their purpose in the film. After each death, we see the production crew push the lever down. Blood pours down the stone.

    Most moviegoers need an explanation to understand the movie. They also don’t see the Greek mythology theme. Twist endings are not always a surprise.

    If we look back into the film, we can see evidence of the twist. On the initial viewing, we may overlook the plot clues. Our intention is to watch the movie for entertainment purposes. Moreover, we may go home to discuss the movie with friends, family members and on the net.

    Surely, The Cabin the Woods movie made many moviegoers laugh. How many people planned to laugh? Did they know this so-called horror movie was based on satire? Not many writers can pull off a “stupid” ending. I guess we can give Whedon credit for writing a strange ending. At least the movie earned back double the production budget in the worldwide box office.

    Thanks again for commenting.

  3. Ok, for one it doesn't matter what genre the movie identifies with. Who cares> Genres are unnecessary labels that dumb people put on movies for the movie. It's like trying to put label art, and as an artist, I take offense to that. And two, I bought into the movie, I loved it, it WAS original and in a day where there are hardly a ny original ieas in movies, just telkevision, it was a breath of fresh air. I respect your opinion though, remember Im not atackig you or anything, I just have a difference of opinion.

    1. Genres of movies are necessary to identify a fan base. Hollywood knows the genres with the best box office influence.

      I do appreciate your comment. When Marty and Dana (can't believe I remember their names) entered the headquarters and the ending transitioned into a science fiction horror movie, the movie disappointed me. Sure, the ritual and satire are obvious plot clues. We see the twist a mile way.

      Thanks again for commenting. I respect your opinions as well. It's good that you enjoyed the movie.

  4. Dear Astral Writer,

    Your piece comes across as quite ignorant, and also overblown- I'm not sure how repeating the same points again and again constitutes anything. I must make an objection to this statement especially:-

    'Genres of movies are necessary to identify a fan base. Hollywood knows the genres with the best box office influence.'

    Now- Please tell me a piece of original storytelling with genre identification that you agree with. 'Hollywood' is creatively bankrupt and all that has been coming out with big budgets recently are remakes - I can name only a few hollywood large budget horror films that have been successful and vaguely original over the past 10 years- most original Horror films have not been Hollywood produced- they have been largely independent or foreign and usually sparked terrible hollywood backed sequels, english language remakes, or terrible copy cat attempts (Blair witch project, Saw, Ringu (The Ring), Let The Right One In, 28 days later, Dawn of the Dead....all remade, poorly sequeled or copied)

    I appreciate your opinion but the tone of your piece suggests everyone agrees with you, which they absolutely don't. I really don't understand possibly how you could find more to enjoy in watching a film that you have seen a thousand times before (no doubt watching wrong turn 1-4 on repeat viewing) - would you have actually preferred the film to have ended at the pier with no reference to the secret lab throughout- this would actually be a better movie for you?

    'Cabin' examines tropes of horror films, anyone who loves movies and waited years for this to be released whilst dreck like 'the collector' got fast tracked knew that this film was not just going to be a 'Slasher' (and thank Christ for that).

    Young people of a certain age that act a certain way must be punished, whilst ignoring signs of their own impending doom - an idea ridiculed in the 'scream' films but 'Cabin' not only follows the tropes but also creates a mythology around those explaining why they exist, whilst not demeaning the structure- there isn't anything illogical about it and the fact that it transcends genres is entirely plausible given the end subject matter - I was only surprised that it was revealed so early that there was an underground lab engineering the scenarios- in a BAD movie, the lab, the Gods would have been revealed in the last 10 minutes which would have been cheap. The movie is not cheap it lets the viewer know almost from the beginning thus drawing you to a logical conclusion that draws inspiration from not only modern horror tropes but tropes of greek mythology- sacrifice to The Gods being common in Greek mythology- I'm sure as an avid viewer of Hollywood remakes like 'Clash Of the Titans' (that luckily hollywood identified a fan base for *cough*)You'd have known this. The only Sci Fi aspect is the lab, I can hardly see a problem with this, it was a nice juxtaposition between the 'Cabin' environment and a way of introducing 'all the monsters. There was no hidden 'twist, the only let down would have been if infact the girl had killed the guy in the end, sating the Gods.

    if I'm honest I'm overwhelmed by the ignorance in your blog -at the most the movie just might not be everyones bag- some people have problems with humour in horror movies, but to go off at it for bridging genres is just ludicrous...To paraphrase 'We wonder why the movie studio wasted $130 million on Prometheus movie mess' but yknow, shit happens.

    1. @James

      The challenge in movie making is building one bridge to lead one group of moviegoers to one island. It's impossible. If a person wants to make it in Hollywood, they must accept criticism.

      I disagree there are no original horror movies. Insidious is original. Besides the Insidious movie, only Psychic Killer used astral projection. We can interpret the previous horror movies such as Shocker, A Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and current movies as portraying astral projection premises.

      Nonetheless, Insidious is an original film that shows us astral projection in plain sight. We enter the subplanes to see the troubled spirits trapped there.


    2. I never claim to state one opinion that all must agree on. You're free to discuss your personal viewpoints. I run 100+ websites. An ignorant person wouldn't waste their time entertaining moviegoers.

      If all the movie answers,explanations, and spoilers are front and center (IMDB, TheMovieSpoiler, and, then I wouldn't be having a discussion with many moviegoers.

      I only mention my screenwriting and film background where another person mention I think events happen in a matter of a day. I understand movies transcend time and space. I've sat in many forums debating people like yourself.

      If I show weakness in debating points, I wouldn't be able to convince people. You must be confident to debate.

      I can tell you like The Cabin in the Woods. Many moviegoers get heated when they come across a critical piece that slams TCITW. I watched the movie trailer. I attended the opening weekend while relocating across the country. The Cabin in the Woods is satire. It never reveals the satirical premise in the trailer, which is one reason another horror movie failed miserably (The Apparition).


    3. Many people believe The Cabin in the Woods is stupid, The Cabin in the Woods is awful, and The Cabin in the Woods is dumb. I will put up a poll to rate the movie. There are also movie fans that enjoyed the movie. We can't all agree on the same movie. The world does not operate in that way.

      Keep in mind that genres are important to movie making. You will remember this once I release two scripts in a few years. I guarantee you that a few genres are gold mines. You can make a film for less than $5 million that make back 10-20 times the production budget. It won't take much special effects to produce these movies. You'll get your original movies because I am all about creating original pieces.

      While relocating, my car got broken into and everything stolen. I lost all my screenplays, movie taglines, 3,500 original quotes, and many other possessions. I lost my business plan, my movie titles, ideas and pretty much all my work over the past decade.

      I never give up. I can create the content again since I focus on original ideas. We can't all write original scripts since ideas are recycled. I don't intend to produce remakes.

      I would't think Prometheus would make back $130. I would never give the green light to make that film at that price. I wouldn't have made The Bourne Legcy without Matt Damon too.

      Certain movies are worth the money to make a profit (i.e. The Possession, The Last Exorcism, Insidious, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and other past horror movies).

    4. As previously mentioned, Insidious is an original movie that depicts astral projection quite well. It also uses multiple sub-genres such as demonic possession, paranormal, ghosts, and several other genres that can be verified on I can identify 5 genres that are worth the investment. These movies will make a huge profit. I run these genre websites.

      Moviegoers, movie websites, and the film industry want original movies. They can't wait for these scripts to surface. Business must go on as usual.

      The Cabin in the Woods depends on satire to deconstruct the horror genre. They mention the paying customers want more gore (us moviegoers).

      Once the movie made a transition into science fiction, we begin to see the flaws. The gore is pointless because people roll their eyes at the silliness. You feel sorry for Sigourney having to recite the God lines.

      The Human Centipede is an original film. It is a sickening movie. Moviegoers want to laugh, but then also think it may be possible. People want to laugh at the red-faced demon in The Astral Hell, albeit they then get uncomfortable with the mocking a demon.

      The 80's introduced some classic horror movies. A NIghtmare on Elm Street was an original piece. I remember watching the sequel that seemed scary as the time. As kids, we were scared after watching the Gate; which seems dumb now. Nobody was brave enough to turn off the lights.

      I believe writing humor in horror movies is a challenge for most screenwriters. This is why we don't see too many funny moments. The Cabin in the Woods is a satire that utilizes comedy to poke fun at the horror genre.

      If you feel this post is ignorant, join the club. I've had many bash me for being of the movie on another screenwriting site, a twist ending site, and on several movie websites. I'm not going to like The Cabin in the Woods just because everyone thinks it is original and or a good movie.

      Why do I like The Cabin in the Woods? I like the movie because it attract emotional moviegoers that spark discussions. What other films also welcome insults, over criticism and controversy?

      -The Dark Knight Rises
      -The Woman in Black

      What films can I easily explain?
      -House at the End of the Street
      -The Possession
      -The Devil Insider
      -most horror movies
      -and more

      I appreciate your analysis. Please contribute future content to the website. It doesn't both me at all to be called ignorant. At least I'm recognized for something.

      I wouldn't mind accepting screenwriting credit for The Apparition. I look a the bigger picture that every stepping stone leads to another opportunity. I have original scripts working. It's a challenge to recreate what was stolen from you. Life goes on.

      My intentions are not to show that my opinion only matters. I give everyone an equal playing field to express their viewpoints. I can't agree with everyone. I entertain moviegoers with original posts. I don't make any revenue like most successful movie websites. They can afford to commission writers. I'm a solo writer. Thanks.

      p.s I had to breakdown the comment since the platform imposes a character limit.

  5. I agree with you on 'Insidious'. I enjoyed the movie and was surprised a big budget PG rated 'horror' was actually interesting. I also enjoyed 'The Last Exorcism' but these are only a couple of movies.

    Also Joss Whedon is clearly doing something right, he doesn't have to 'make it' in Hollywood- he has already shown he can make a big budget money making film (The avengers)if he wants to- I'm glad film makers still take risks (even if he made 'Cabin' before).

    I'd rather watch small, well made films than overblown dreck - even if that means the film makers/ films don't make as much money.

    My favourite horror films of the last 10 years have been 'House of the Devil', 'Eden Lake, 'Kill list', 'The Descent', 'Catfish' and 'Baghead'. The latter two of those films were very low budget movies. The makers have since gone on to direct large studio pictures due to their work being recognized on those smaller films (it is also questionable that they're horror, but they were marketed as horror- they also defy genre stereotypes)

    True artists don't work on box office returns. It is for the artists to educate people into appreciating good works and to introduce them to new concepts- Would Stanley Kubrick be as successful if he had just started making films today? I doubt it David Lynch? Bad movies that pander to people with a short attention span looking for a cheap thrill ruin film makings future. Producers get it into their head that their movie needs to pander to the lowest common denominator so we get more movies that appeal to many while being absolutely average, my pet hate at the moment is 'Prometheus' - I don't understand how a movie with that kind of budget and pedigree in film making talent could go so wrong.

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  9. Actually the WORST movie I've ever seen. They kept saying *I* was the audience, but yet they did NOTHING I wanted. They even followed the same ol' cliches. Very disappointing.

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