Monday, August 13, 2012

What is a twist ending?

A twist ending is a major revelation in the movie end. The twist ending changes the direction of the plot. Moviegoers may discover a character is a ghost, a the killer, or the entire movie is a dream. If the screenwriter performs the twist right, the twist ending is an impressive plot device to entertain viewers.

A twist ending is also known as a plot twist. Most of the best twist endings occur in the movie ending. Recent movies such as Dream House butchered the twist, showing the true identity of the main character in the midpoint rather than revealing the truth in the movie ending.

The Sixth Sense features one of the best twist endings ever. Malcolm treats his patient. In the movie end, we never realize he is actually a ghost. The real Malcolm died at the beginning of the movie. M. Night Shayamalan's trademark is to serve up twist endings.

Movies with twist endings trick movie viewers through withholding major plot points. Intruders is a recent psychological movie that reveals a major twist toward the movie ending. If you want to read the movie twist, visit to read Intruders movie with a twist.

The movie audience may realize the twist. Nonetheless, the protagonist is left out of the twist to enhance the ending. Good movie twists build suspense, emotion, and increase the dramatic effect. How did you feel after learning the Fight Club twist? The Sixth Sense? We never expect the twist to make us think back to plot clues. In The Cabin in the Woods movie, the writer give us hints to the twist.

An example of great twist endings:
  • The Sixth Sense
  • The Uninvited
  • Orphan
  • Psycho
  • Passengers
  • Sleepaway Camp
  • Fight Club
  • Seven
  • Saw movies
  • Shutter Island
  • The Others
  • Old Boy
  • The Devil's Advocate
  • Chernobyl Diaries

Visit to read about movies with twist endings. 

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