Monday, August 20, 2012

Tony Scott leaves behind a loving family, brother, and millions of movie fans

I was shocked to discover Tony Scott died yesterday. Even more shocking is that Tony Scott jumped to his death. I've driven past the San Pedro area quite often. You never think that Hollywood stars will take extreme actions to leave their life behind.

According to People writer Silverman (2012), the popular magazine and website is reporting that Tony Scott was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. It's sad to hear that Tony Scott, the younger brother of Ridley Scott, died unexpectedly in a lonely place. I can't imagine Tony driving to the bridge to meet his death. I do understand the pain and suffering that cancer patients endure in a hospital setting.

While serving in the Air Force as a medical technician in the 90's, I took care of many patients with terminal cancer, including my high school English teacher who died of glioblastoma, a common but invasive brain tumor. I remember my English teacher as a sweet woman. She always smiled and talked nicely to everyone.

In her last days, she could barely move. I helped take care of her as best I could. We talked often about high school, her daughter, and her future. I volunteered to transport her to a long-term care facility. I told her husband that I wanted to ride in the back with her. However, he requested that she rest. Once we arrived at the location, I pushed her to the entrance. We shared one last hug. She died later that year.

There are so many patients with debilitating cancer. I could never imagine their pain and suffering. I've watched patients die from cancer. One woman died one month after the physician told her that she had lung cancer. I overheard the physician informing her of this dark news. I never mentioned what I heard to her. I consoled my teary-eyed female patient. A good happy ending is to tell the dying person they will be missed.

People deserve to know they have meaning in life. Just because Hollywood stars make great movies and boatloads of money, they may live in a dark place. If this is true that Tony Scott got diagnosed with brain cancer, then his last moment is a sad ending. Tony Scott is a director that made many movies with happy endings.

We would never think Tony would die a sad ending. It is not happy to hear this tragic news. Whereas I don't know Tony Scott personally, I enjoyed his great movies while growing up. I remember watching Top Gun, a movie that my brothers and I viewed a hundred times. We recited the dialogue often.

Another Tony Scott movie, Beverly Hills Cop II, is an awesome comedy movie that brings back good memories. My middle brother's favorite movie is Scott's Deja Vu. Tony Scott made many memorable movies with happy endings. His recent Unstoppable movie has a good ending. Scott worked with Denzel Washington on five past movies. We never see a sad ending in Tony Scott films.

Tony Scott left this world a sad way. We honor his contribution to our good times. Movies define our collective thought, the memories that keep us smiling. If you remember a good movie, then you can connect this movie experience to a good moment.

We're sorry to hear that Tony Scott died. He will be missed. We hope that his sad ending will shine light down on the people who need solace during their dark times. May Tony Scott find a happy ending. Thank you for contributing great movie memories to our past times. Rest in peace Tony Scott.

In Loving Memory to honor Tony Scott's Loving Memory (1971) movie  

Top 10 best Tony Scott movies:
  1. Top Gun
  2. Beverly Hills Cop II
  3. Crimson Tide
  4. Enemy of the State
  5. Deja Vu
  6. Man on Fire
  7. Unstoppable
  8. Spy Game
  9. The Fan
  10. The Last Boy Scout

Source: Silverman, S. (2012). Tony Scott dead: Top Gun director had brain cancer. People. Retrieved August 20, 2012, from,,20622654,00.html