Friday, August 31, 2012

The Possession film ending

The Possession was a killer exorcism film. We watched The Possession at the first morning showing. What a wild exorcism ride for a PG-13 movie. The Possession film ending is revealed below. If you haven't watched The Possession movie,  beware the movie ending is spoiled below.

***Movie Spoiler***

Tzabok performs the exorcism on Clyde. The lights flicker with energy. A demon entity grips Clyde's mouth, crawling out to detach. Tzabok continues the Jewish exorcism, chanting out "Abyzou" and using the powerful exorcism prayer to exorcise the demon. 

The female demon spirit crawls on the ground. It looks like the evil demons we see in most religious books. The demon finally enters the Dibbuk box.  

A ring drops to the ground. Tzabock picks up the ring. He covers the demon box with a sacred white Jewish linen. The box is now sealed, putting an end to the demonic possession. 

Clyde and his family are now safe. Back at home, Clyde is browsing the refrigerator. Stephanie is reminded of her past memories with her ex-husband. It appears the two divorcees will get back together. 

Clyde and Stephanie hug. As soon as Clyde coughs, Stephanie is overly frightened. She connects the coughing to the demon spirit expelling from his mouth. 

Tzabok and Clyde talks on the phone. The Dibbuk box is beside Tzabock, resting on the passenger seat. We think the possession is over. Clyde tells Tzabok to keep car because he has no plans to leave. 

Down the street, Tzabok crosses an intersection. A truck crushes the BMW. Many people attempt to rescue the accident survivors. Tzabok is obviously dead. The BMW is mangled, as debris are scattered on the road. 

The female demon spirit begins to speak again. It is an evil voice in a foreign tongue, probably dating back to ancient times. The demon box looks in perfect condition. It is likely another person will take possession of the Dibbuk box to experience a cycle of possessions. 

The movie ends.   


  1. Poor Tzabok.

    I entered the movie late and completely missed the first 10 minutes or so. I was hoping to shed some light as to who the pain-ridden elderly person Emily saw in the window right before purchasing the box was?

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for commenting.

      The first 10 minutes reveals the inciting incident. We are introduced to the Dibbuk box sitting on a mantle. An old woman is trying to ignore the box.

      A female voice is chanting in Hebrew. The old woman turns up the music to tune out the voice. She retrieves a hammer. We sense she plans to smash the box.

      All of a sudden, the old woman attempts to smash the box. However, the box controls her actions to make her hit herself.

      Her body contorts backward like in exorcisms. She is thrown across the dining room. The old woman's son hears his mother. The invisible entity smashes her face through the glass table.

      The son rushes in. We can hear the son crying out loud. We never enter the space. The Dibbuk box is evil. It contains Abyzou, a female demon from as far back as ancient times.

      Tzabok forgot to return the most important possession into the box - the ring. Therefore, the Jewish exorcsim failed to cast away the demon. This explains the car accident at the end of the movie.

      We got to Clyde. He is a college basketball coach.

      Thanks again. Good exorcism movie.

    2. Why didn't you add Emily in there?

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  3. What happened to the husband after his teeth fell out and he got in the car

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