Sunday, August 26, 2012

Top 5 psychological movies with twist endings

Psychological movies are popular among movie fans searching for complex movies with a plot twist. Screenwriters craft good psychological movie scripts with clever twist endings. We never know what to expect in the movie end because the twist ending is a unique surprise or a shocker.

The top 5 psychological movies with twist endings touch on subconscious and conscious thought. We anticipate the movie ending to find resolution in the journey. How should the movie ending? Was the movie ending satisfying enough? The best psychological thrillers use plot techniques to trick the viewers.

The top 5 psychological movies with twist endings: 
  1. A Beautiful Mind
  2. The Game
  3. Identity
  4. Donnie Darko
  5. Shutter Island
 Visit to read about psychological movies and psychological thrillers. 


  1. I always love Shutter Island. Thanks and have to watch IdentityPsychological Assessments

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Shutter Island is a great movie. Secret Window has a similar twist ending. You should definitely watch Identity.

      Thanks for commenting.

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